We Are Americans


I’m all country - I love our freedom
We pledge allegiance to the flag - We say our prayers before bed
When troubles your only friend - We’ll always rise up and win again
We are Americans - We are the light of the world


We are strong - We believe
In our right to liberty - We’ll protect it and we’ll fight
Till people everywhere are free
Hurt just one of us you’ll pay - We’ll hunt you down this is your day
That’s who we are - God bless America


We love our hard-working farmers - Those long-haulin truckers
Our Doctors and Nurses days don’t end - First responders jump right in
Go hug a soldier - And shout out - We are proud
We are Americans - We are the light of the world


We are strong - We believe
In our right to liberty - We’ll protect it and we’ll fight
Till people everywhere are free
Hurt just one of us you’ll pay - We’ll hunt you down this is your day
That’s who we are - God bless America


I pledge allegiance to the flag
Of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One nation under God
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all
We are Americans
We are the light of the world


We are strong - We believe
In our right to liberty - We’ll protect it and we’ll fight
Till people everywhere are free - Hurt just one of us you’ll pay
Congratulations it’s your day - I am proud to be an American
Proud that we are Americans - God bless America